The Poikonens Family

updated Jan 2015

The Poikonens Society was been established in 1999. Now a days there are about 200 members in it. The society's reunion was held in July 2013. Next reunion is 2015 July 11 in Karstula. Place is "Karstulan Lukio", street address is "Koulutie 11, 43500 Karstula"

The society have published in binder book about thousand pages from people belonging to the family. For that purpose we actual need more information about the Poikonen - names as we'll as family stories and photographs.

The book will be written in Finnish but we'll translate at least a part of it in English if needed.

Until now (January 2015) we have over 20 000 names (including Poikonens Society) in computer diskettes but more are needed and welcomed. We have a good reason to suppose there are about 2000 Poikonens and their descendants in the USA and Canada, but only about 440 have been found out. How to find the rest of them!

Please contact by e-mail:
GSM +358 40 7746941


*How to read the family chart* (KAAVIO in Finish)


Family name (once), first name(s), married name and the year of the birth
When the name has been changed it is marked with => changed name
If a person is the last one in the family it is marked with ¤ (that means the one has no descendants)
Marked "pso" or "puoliso" or parenthesis include the family names of husbands and wives
In the chart there are only the names of those late relatives who have descendants.

Family charts or KAAVIO